
Brief Enquiries and Age Assessments

Brief Enquiries and Age Assessments Our Brief Enquiries and Age Assessments service is aimed at resolving disputes regarding the age of young individuals, often unaccompanied minors, who enter the UK without proper identification. We undertake swift and thorough evaluations to determine whether the young person is, in fact, a minor…
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Welfare home visits for Local Authorities

Welfare Home Visits for Local Authorities Our Welfare Home Visits provide a vital service to Local Authorities, ensuring that the well-being of children, young people, and vulnerable adults is safeguarded, even outside normal working hours. These visits involve assessing the home environment and welfare of individuals, offering support, and identifying…
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Supervised Family Time (Contact)

Supervised Family Time (Contact) We offer assessed and supervised family time. The supervisor is always present and feedback provided to parents at the end of each family time session. A report for family time is provided at the end of each family time session. We offer a high standard of…
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Appropriate Adults Services

Appropriate Adults Services The role of the Appropriate Adult is to safeguard the interests, rights, entitlements and welfare of children and vulnerable people who are suspected of a criminal offence, ensuring that they are treated in a fair and just manner, and are able to participate effectively. A child is…
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Social Work Assessments

Social Work Assessments Parenting Assessments We use a range of tools and strategies to ensure a thorough assessment of parenting ability to meet the needs of the children, including strength based questionnaires, direct work tools and Parenting Assessment Manual tool kit, to inform the overall assessment. Special guardianship and Kinship…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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