Family Solutions Compassionate
Support and
Expert Guidance.
Our team consists of Social Workers who have vast experience in the social work field, and we guarantee quality services About Us


We are committed to operating with the highest level of integrity and ethical standards.


Our team of qualified social workers adhere to the highest standards of professional conduct.


We are committed to providing inclusive services to all, regardless of background, race, religion, etc.
About Us

Family Solutions

Family Solutions is a registered Limited Company established in 2024. The company was formed in order to provide independent social work services from qualified and experienced Independent Social Workers (ISW).

All Social Workers are Social Work England registered and all staff are DBS checked. We work ethically and effectively to deliver high quality outcome focused services to vulnerable children, young people and their families; keeping children safe being at the heart of what we do.

Our services include facilitating supervised family time (contact), completing independent social work assessments and other social work related services. Our team consists of Social Workers who have vast experience in the social work field, and we guarantee quality services.

Our Services

Dedicated Support for Families Nationwide

At Family Solutions, we offer a comprehensive range of independent social work services, including supervised family time (contact), social work assessments, welfare home visits, brief enquiries, age assessments, and appropriate adult services.

Family Solutions

Committed to Families, Committed to Care

We offer services throughout United Kingdom. Our clients consists of Local Authorities, family law firms, and individuals all over United Kingdom.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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